
01 June 2011

I'm not fucking Malaysian

28 May 2011,
Super Junior M came to Putrajaya for a FREE concert. Of course, they're amazing. ;)
Am I right or am I right?

But there's this Malaysian artiste who doesn't think so. Here's the story;

Remember that sweet short girl who won AF5? Oh, those days I respected her because her voice is AMAZING. Those days were like, what? 3 years ago? I don't think I heard anyone mention her name anymore. That is until Monday, 31/5. This is what she wrote in her Twitter(translation provided).

  • Kelazzzz Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Hari Belia Negara Malaysia, Artiste Korea Perform!! syabas KBS!!!
Ministry of Youth and Sports, you have class. On National Youth Day, Korean artistes are performing! Congrats KBS!
  • one day they will respect MALAYSIAN more!! The day will come..
  • that y i xnak buat event tu.dah lah budget dibawah piawaian.. tak tau lah.kita dah merdeka but still dijajah. i know how u feel
That's why I didn't want to do that event. My budgets is beneath standards.. I don't know. We've already got independence but we're still being invaded.
  • Let me explain.. i tak Anty KPOP. tp sama2 terasa bila Artiste Malaysia di double standart di Putrajaya
Let me explain.. I'm not ant-Kpop. But we all feel the same when Malaysian Artistes are double-standard in Putrajaya.
  • tak kisah jugak nak bawa sapa perform di Malaysia sbb kita semua flexible. tp Jgn lah anak watan di tolak kiri dan kanan..
I don't care who you want to bring to perform in Malaysia cuz we're all flexible. But please don't push us natives around.
  • dan malas lah nak ambil tau sangat... ermmm kalau Black eye peace ke beyonce ke rihana dtg kan best :) peace KPOP lover!!! jgn marah2 xbaik
Lazy to even care.... ermmm if Black Eye Peace or Beyonce or Rihana comes here that'll be cool :) Peace KPOP lover!!! Don't be angry, it's not good.
  • whatever lah!!! as a human we have The right to say what we want.. if u like it follower.if not just unfollow.. simple rules..peace no war
What I say;

Can you at least SPELL BEP properly? It's BLACK EYE PEAS, idiot. You want people like them to come? Beyonce was banned to perform here because she didn't want to follow the dress code. Dont' get me started on Rihanna. She cancelled her concert without any refunds. Do you think her concert was that cheap? Of course we all have the rights to say what we want, but, did you know that you live in a country where freedom of speech doesn't exist? We all have to be careful of what we say and you tweeting about it is so begging for cheap publisity. Seriously, Mila. Where's your pride? SJM is WORLDWIDE. Try going around and asking for Mila AF5. Believe me, only 1 out of 10 Malaysians will know. We're not being invaded okay? Invaded musically, yes. That's because the crap you give us is not even up to crap standards. Puh-leease, you've been 'training' in AF for how long? 10 weeks right? Have you even thought about the Kpop Idols? They trained for YEARS before they can even debut! Your fame came as easily as it went.

Here's another creep. Rody Krystal. Seriously, dude, who the hell are you?

  • Ramai nye makhluk tuhan!!mamat2,minah2 korea ni!mcm2 brg da kt dlm ni!arigatok!
There's so many of God's creatures!! Guys, Korean girls! So many things here! Thank you (Japanese)!
  • Npe xde yg mcm muka pelakon2 korea kt tv tu?semua mcm.. Hhhhhh aaaaa mmmmm pppp eeee hhhhh......
Why are there none like the faces of the Korean actors from the TV? They're all like.... HOLLOW.
  • Bodoh la!lebih2 kan artis korea!puki mak kau!!!smpai toilet pun x le guna!
Idiot! More-preferring Korean artiste! Your mom's vagina!! Until I can't even use the toilet!
  • Nmpaknye ade org MALAYSIA x sedar diri!kat mana drg d lahir kan!maksud aku bukan nk kutuk kPop!mslhnye npe penganjur wt artis MALAYSIA cmni?
Looks like there are some Malaysians who don't realise! Where they were born! What I mean is not to curse Kpop! The problem is, why is the promoter doing this to Malaysian artistes?

What I say;

I'm really sorry about the bad word. But seriously, who are YOU to say that PUBLICLY about SUPER JUNIOR M? You are so asking for trouble right? I don't even know who the hell you are and again, this proves the point for CHEAP PUBLICITY. Stop fighting over the toilet. They have 8 members okay? If you can't hold it, go meet some fans in the normal toilet! There is surely no difference. And, they each of them have acted in 3 or more TV series, okay? You? I don't think you can even dance. Oh, do you even know the difference between Japanese and Korean? It's kamsahamnida.

One more! Don't beleive me? I seriously don't know the guy's name. What he said;

  • Bilik rehat yang tulis local artist room ni penuh ngan penari korea, apa kes?
The rest room that's written "Local Artiste Room" is full with Korean dancer. What's with this?
  • Pastu koreans ni suma tengok muka tak puas hati... Lempang nak?
These Koreans all looking at me with unsatisfied faces... You want a slap?
  • Ni apa kes? Nak kencing tapi tak boleh pakai toilet sebab tu toilet super junior... Aku nak kencing kat muka super junior boleh?
What's with this? It's hard for me to pee but I can't use that toilet cuz it's Super Junior's toilet... Can I pee at Super Junior's faces?
  • Ok habis first set... Super junior star pukul 10 start ye... Skang sengal beramai2... Saya ada lagi lepas korea ni bersama artis lain
First set done.... Super Junior starts at 10... Feeling irritated together... I'm still going on with all these other artistes.
  • Skang kami malaysians dihalau pulang ke negara asal... Backstage semua milik kerajaan korea.. Tulah korang dok agung2kan artis luar sangat..
We Malaysians are being chased away from our own country... The backstage belongs to the Korean Government. You guys prefer outside artiste so much..
  • Rabak dah ni.... Hurm... Ada lagi 12 lagu pas super junior, pas tu kristal n hujan... Rabak.
(not sure what rabak is) Hurm... There's another twelve songs after Super Junior, then Kristal and Hujan.
  • Gi mampos sama kau!! Kau tak tau kitorang kena layan camner toksah bising.. Aku pun pernah perform ngan org negara lain xde mcm suju kau tu
You all go die! You don't know how we're being treated so don't need to make noise.. I've perform with foreign outsiders before but they're nothing like your SuJu.
  • Kalau dah salah tu, salah jugak... Suju yang personally request kitorang blah masa dia datang... Toilet tu pun dtg dr suju..
If you're worng, you're wrong... SuJu persoanally requested us to leave when they came... The toilet came from Super Junior too..
  • Kitorang bukan nak berlagak diva tapi sebagai manusia, apa perasaan anda bila toilet takleh guna??
We're not trying to be divas but as humans, how do you feel when even the toilet can't be used?
  • Hei aku tak against spesifik negara, tapi bila org luar nak halang aku nak buat nature's call, aku marah.. Aku bukan artis, aku musician..
I'm not against a specific country, but when foreigners are blocking me from answering nature's call, I'm angry... I'm not an artiste, I'm a musician...
  • Nak kencing kat negara sendiri pun tak boleh??? Itu masalahnya!!! Korang pikirlah sampai lebam!!!
I can't even pee in my own country? That's the problem! You guys think about it until you get bruises!

What I say;

Stop messing about the freaking toilet. There are sure more right? They're given privileges because they're international and so that they don't look down to our country. Super Junior has been talking highly about us Malaysians. But since you are more 'influential', they might think twice. They've never done anything wrong to you right? Don't start about the toilet again! I don't fucking get it. SuJu says its theirs, then get off! It may be because of security measures. Think twice, please. Who in the world is stopping you from peeing in your own country? They're just stopping you from peeing in that one toilet. OHMYGOD. You're making a big fuss from TOILET. You Malaysian artiste are PATHETIC. Wait, do you even know what it means? You're being a complete divas cuz if one toilet. Who have you performed with anyway? Why is it that I don't know your name? Try peeing in their faces and see how many fans will stand up and bash you like crazy. SuJu is worldwide. Your name is not even in Irynna's HEAD.

I don't care whether you love these people above or are even these people above yourself but, what you didn was not only bash them publicly but you also made me, the most patriotic person you can find, claim myself a non-Malaysian. I'm embarrassed. This is not the image Malaysians should give towards international idols.

You're so stupid to find trouble with us ELFs. Heck, KPOP lovers. We're more united than you can ever imagine. I'm sure if you count your fans, it'll still be a single digit. Eat shit and go die, okay? It's seriously disheartening ok?

We all prefer international artistes. They have class, amazing talent, MANNERS, and brains.