
01 December 2009

Camp Rock 2 Songs!

The BEST day EVER!!

So, after planning for this day for the past one week
it finally comes TRUE!!
I went to Spring today, with Ereen and Trisha.
I picked up Ereen at her house and we both went to Spring
We met Trish at Sugarbun and ate fish and chips.
Trish didn't eat.
the food was like, RM 21.10
so I paid 11, and Ereen paid 10.10.
SO after lunch,
we walked around Spring
Padini, FOS, Roxy.
It was fun, looking at weird stuff and trying it on.
then, Trish said she had a dental appoinment at 2.
and the movie was at 1.45pm.
so we said goodbyes and Ereen and I went to MBO.
we bought the tickets at 11.00a.
I had to pay for Ereen's ticket cuz I made her come.
2 tickets was RM 20.
we said goodbye to Trisha at 1.30 and bought a medium size popcorn.
it was a long line
and we were just barely 5mins early.
then, during the movie,
when Bella asks Edward to kiss her,
someone said AWWW!
i was like, wth??
pathetic people la.
after the movie, we went home.
it was about 4.00pm

Thanks, Trish, thnaks Ereen.