
23 December 2010

Awesome Words :D

I just learned some AWESOME words in GREEK.
Well, basically I learned how curse/swear in GREEK.

ONE Skata-stupid
TWO Aye Gamisou-Fak off
THREE Oipho-Fak (Ancient Greek)
FOUR Pidiksu-Fak you
FIVE As Tho Thialo-Go to Hell

Dah takde kerja laen. xD
Anyway, I was reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
and noticed how many time he wrote, '(character's name) cursed in Ancient Greek'
So, I was curious and started Googling it.
Well, Ancient Greeks are really polite cuz I only found Oipho.
Maybe in the books all they said was just Oipho.
DAH, I have to stop before I go yak-ing all night.

Yeah, yeah, I'm weird. Got a probelm?